
Showing posts from 2012

For those who are feeling a little under the weather :(

So due to all this forever changing weather, it seems that a few of us are starting to catch colds :( But never fear, I'm here to help you feel a little better....well I would like to think so anyway. A quick little something I drew for a friend of mine who was feeling poorly, but I wanted to share it with everyone too! ^_^

Don't forget Disney!!

As well as Pokemon, I also felt inspired to draw a few Disney characters too ^_^ So, of course I did!!

As Promised!

So here we are as promised. ^_^ As you can see I did a few drawings on each day of a week, and it was really fun. I set aside some time in my lunch break and was able to draw some Pokemon characters. Some were for my own pleasure, yet I did get a few requests and then they ended up being commissioned pieces ^_^ so yaye!! I plan to add some colour to some, hopefully they will be up by the weekend (if time permits it, lol) But all good nonetheless :)

Sorry, it has been a while :/

As you all can imagine and see, it has been ever so long since I updated and posted new material on here. Apologises for that, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been keeping busy!! :D From February, I have tried to do a drawing a day (within my lunch break at work), all of which have been Disney or Pokemon inspired. I shall be posting them very soon, once I have scanned them all in. Some of them I do hope to add some colour to, so keep your eyes peeled for that too! Just a little taster of what's to come :D