
Showing posts from June, 2016

Special Birthday Gifts

These two pieces were drawn as gifts for an 70th birthday in October 2015. Brief was - He loves steam trains and Pumbaa from Disney's The Lion King, so you can guess what was created: Pumbaa Turn-around and signature pose Just a small note, this was my first time drawing a steam train, all in all it took a total of 4.5/5 hours to complete, from the first initial line drawing right through to the detailed shading of the train and its few carriages. Linda Steam Train Pencil

Long over due....

As you can see I haven't updated in well......a weeeeeeee while, and my apologies to my loyal followers who check back now and then to see if I've actually added anything new to the mix. Let just say that's life for you, and all the responsibilities of being an adult come into play, but its no excuse, I have to try harder and I gotta keep those creative juices following! So draw, draw, draw! Create, create! I haven't drawn and created as much as I would have liked so far this year, but on most of the projects I have done, I have thoroughly enjoyed them and the results were pretty good I think! (In my humble opinion ^_^ ) There shall be a few posts, as I try to back track through time and show what I've done, so bare with me and watch this space :) Christmas Pup (2015) Alcohol based copic pens and outliner pen